av Lisa Matthews | 3 mar 2021
In the first meeting of the Solidarities project’s Stakeholder Knowledge Exchange Board (SKEB) there was a lively discussion of what “solidarity” and “solidarities” means to us in our work. I sit on the SKEB as the representative of Right to Remain. At Right to...
av Eve Dickson | 18 feb 2021
Most discussions of the UK’s ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ immigration rule would suggest that its origins lie in the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. The current iteration of the policy, which prevents people ‘subject to immigration control’ from accessing most...
av Anders Neergaard | 1 dec 2020
Their name is unimportant. They is often called a second generation immigrant in their home country. For two years, they was an expat in in the US, where their mother grew up. They is quite mobile, travelling and residing part of the year in a major European city...
av Line Gruner | 2 nov 2020
Det kræver ikke mange minutters søgning på antropologisk litteratur før man finder ud af, at antropologer er glade for at bruge ord som ”samarbejde” og ”dialog”, når de beskriver deres egen forskning. Nogle vil måske gå så langt som at sige, det er blevet en diskurs....
av Mette Louise Berg | 9 sep 2020
Vilka upplever vi förtjäna välfärdsservice och vilka förtjänar den inte? Hur definierar vi vem som ska inkluderas, och vem som inte ska inkluderas i våra förståelser och tillämpningar av solidaritet? Hur definierar vi de underförstådda ’oss’ och ’de’ i dessa frågor?...