av Rachel Rosen | 19 apr 2022
Destitution [ des-ti-too-shuhn] Noun: lack of the means of subsistence; utter poverty; deprivation, lack, or absence. Destitution is a word I have been hearing over and over in our fieldwork about migrant families with ‘no recourse to public funds’ (NRPF), a...
av Mikkel Rytter | 8 mar 2022
Den demografiske udvikling bevirker, at den danske befolkning bliver ældre og ældre. I nær fremtid vil flere få brug for hjælp og pleje, mens der samtidigt vil blive færre ansatte i ældresektoren til at udføre plejen og generelt færre i den samlede arbejdsstyrke til...
av Silke Zschomler | 25 feb 2022
‘Integration – I think I’m very good with it, I think,’ Ana, one of the participants of my ethnographic research into migrant language education (Zschomler 2020), exclaimed enthusiastically. We were just about to finish a more in-depth interview during which she...
av Anders Neergaard | 18 jan 2022
Häromdagen, precis innan jul- och nyårshelgerna, träffade jag en före detta socialsekreterare. Eftersom jag är en tråkig person och aldrig slutar vara sociolog, fastnade jag på en kommentar hon gjorde om svårigheterna att förena att vara den hon skulle vilja vara och...
av Mette Louise Berg | 30 nov 2021
Last month, my colleague Eve Dickson and a team of co-researchers, who have lived experience of the asylum system and with whom we have worked collaboratively, shared their reflections on what it is like to live on the meagre allowance that people in the asylum system...
av Eve Dickson | 25 okt 2021
In our research for Migrants and Solidarities on ‘Dispersal and deservingness in Northern England’, Mette Louise Berg and I have been working collaboratively with a team of co-researchers who have lived experience of the asylum system. Early on in our group...