by Anders Neergaard | 31 Jul 2019
Magnus Dahlstedt & Anders Neergaard (2019) Crisis of Solidarity? Changing Welfare and Migration Regimes in Sweden. Critical Sociology 45(1): 121–135. Europe is in crisis. In recent years, there has been a rise of xenophobic parties in a number of European...
by Anders Neergaard | 31 Jul 2017
Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Aleksandra Ålund & Anders Neergaard (2017). “Race” and the upsurge of antagonistic popular movements in Sweden. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(10), 1837–1854. Across a crisis-stricken Europe battles rage for post-neoliberal hegemony, with...
by Anders Neergaard | 31 Jul 2017
Diana Mulinari & Anders Neergaard. (2017). Theorising racism: Exploring the Swedish racial regime. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 7(2) 88–96. Sociologists Bonilla-Silva and Baiocchi (2001) assert that sociologists, protected by a myth of neutrality and...