af Mette Louise Berg | 30 nov 2021
Last month, my colleague Eve Dickson and a team of co-researchers, who have lived experience of the asylum system and with whom we have worked collaboratively, shared their reflections on what it is like to live on the meagre allowance that people in the asylum system...
af Mette Louise Berg | 2 jul 2021
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the 1951 Refugee Convention; with the 1967 Protocol, the Convention continues to be the bedrock of the international refugee system. The core principle of the Convention is non-refoulement, meaning that a refugee should not be...
af Mette Louise Berg | 9 sep 2020
Hvem anser vi for at fortjene velfærdsstatens støtte og hvem ikke? Hvordan definerer vi hvem der bør inkluderes og hvem der bør ekskluderes fra velfærdsydelser? Hvordan definerer vi det implicitte ‘os’ og ‘dem’ i disse spørgsmål?...
af Mette Louise Berg | 31 jul 2019
Mette Louise Berg (2019) Super-diversity, austerity, and the production of precarity: Latin Americans in London. Critical Social Policy, vol. 39 (2), pp. 184–204. Intensified globalisation, upheaval, conflict and inequality are creating new patterns of global...